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What are international schools?

We all know what a school is.


For better or worse, we all attended a school of some form.


As a visitor to this website you are probably more familiar with schools than most. You probably work in one, want to work in one, or have some other direct association with schooling.


Why then a whole section of 'The teacher's Guide' dedicated to defining international schools? Schools are schools, right?


Well, yes… and no.


As this section of the book explores, international schools are not easy to define.


They are varied in type, size, and scope. They are found in diverse locations and they offer different curricula. They exist for a multitude of reasons (some for historical reasons, some for practical reasons, and, more recently, some for profit) and often for very different purposes - international schools don’t even all share the same ideas about what an ‘international education’ actually is.


The book opens with a look at what you need to know about international schools:


  • what they are;

  • they exist;

  • why they are growing in number;

  • why and how they are different to state schools; and

  • what curricula and educational philosophy you might find yourself following.


"This really is a well-organised and comprehensive guide for international educators, full of valuable advice and insights from those who have already travelled the path that lays ahead"

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